Aetna Health Insurance Saves People Money Everyday

hear the most when you are looking to purchase a plan from a company such as Aetna Health Insurance. A premium is the amount that you will pay out of your pocket every month for the insurance coverage this number depends on the type of coverage, the company that is covering you, and the number of people who are being covered.

Another word that is commonly used is the word deductible; a deductible is the amount of money that the person who purchased the plan has to pay before the insurance company takes over and pays the rest, for some people this number may be up to even 00 before the health plan begins to pay for care. This number is reached through doctors’ appointments and prescription refills. Co-payment is another word that is health insurance terminology, this means the amount of money that someone will have to pay out of their pocket when they go to a doctor’s appointment before they have the rest covered by the insurance company, for example with many health insurance companies such as Aetna health insurance there is a or dollar co-pay every time someone goes to the doctor, then after that the cost go to the health insurance company. Another word that is used a lot when talking about health insurance is exclusions, exclusions are services that may not be covered by the insurance company, these will be out of pocket expenses that you will have to pay completely on your own.

About the Author

Ronnie Hamilton

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