tiny.” I am not sure if the last one is a main-stream cliché but it does hammer home the point that prevention is often the best medicine. Early detection is the second best course of treatment. Many doctors argue that colon cancer is extremely treatable if it is caught in the earliest stages. If the cancer is not detected early there is a risk of the cancer getting more aggressive and spreading through the body. Every person should take the time to get regular exams. Every person should be aware of key medical indicators such as weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. As a person gets to certain recommended ages, mammograms and other early detection tests should be done regularly. Just because you never went for a cholesterol check does not mean your cholesterol levels are zero. That is as foolish as driving around in an automobile without a gas gauge and assuming you don’t need to put gas in it since there is no indication of the level. The life you save with early detection could be your own or someone who you love.
Depending on the size of your group and which state your business is located in, early detection means fewer large insurance claims which translates into lower premiums for your company.
2. Not Using the “Value Added Benefits”
Many times, when you think of medical benefits you only think about doctor visits and drug plans. Often, employers and employees do not realize that their
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