participant you might be leaving money on the table by not properly taking advantage of certain features and benefits of your company’s health insurance. As a licensed Consultant and Group Benefits Brokerage company, with clients across the country, we are successful in reducing group benefit expenses because of our experience and our intimate knowledge of the factors used in determining pricing. This top 10 list should be helpful in increasing your insurance knowledge, maximizing your plan benefits and possibly reducing your company’s expenses.
Background and Overview:
For most companies, group benefit plans, specifically medical benefits, are among the highest non-producing company expenses. Unlike other expenses, medical benefits hits home since it affects our employees and our families personally. Therefore, it is of paramount concern that the CFO and Director of Human Resources take into consideration the needs of their employees, the needs of their employees’ families, pricing, and specific benefits being offered.
The ability for an employee or an employee’s family member to use a favorite physician such as a Pediatrician or an OB/GYN is often affected by this decision. The ability for employees and their families to use specialized treatment centers in the event of a catastrophic medical situation also lies in the balance of the Health Benefits decision. Quality and access to medical care varies
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