saved by having an overall understanding of the demographics that makes up your group. Typically, younger people are healthier and can often afford to take certain medical risks that older employees cannot afford to take. If you realize that your company is mostly made up of younger people who are healthy, it might be a good idea to utilize a high-deductible tax qualified plan with a Health Savings Account (HSA). A high deductible plan is essentially betting on the fact that claims will be minimal throughout the year, so why not pay the lowest premiums available, and at the same time accumulate cash in the Health Savings Account (HSA)?
A high deductible plan does not necessarily mean that you intend to pass on the increased deductibles to your employees. Your company can be willing to pay the deductible (or a portion) through a Health Reimbursement Account (HRA).
Not Offering Different Plans for Different People
More recently than not, the market has been trending towards companies offering multiple insurance plan options. The company may provide a base contribution allowing the employees to choose between “a base”, “a buy-up”, or “an HSA plan”.
In addition, companies can offer a plan based upon employee classification. For example, “Class 1” employees can consist of executives and managers and “Class 2” employees may consist of all others.
7. Not Comparing your
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