Maximum Exposure
n. Maximum Benefits
o. Tax Treatment (See #9)
p. Quality of Coverage
l. Introduced deductibles on drugs
m. Generic and non-formulary drug discounts
Each of the above can be a topic unto itself. We can offer a free consultation to look at your coverage and suggest ways to maximize cost savings and improvements. Please see the “About the Author” section at the bottom of this article for more details.
Paying 100% for Employees
If you pay 100%, by law, employees cannot “waive out” of the insurance plan. Participation must be 100%. By paying less than 100% of the benefits you are able to “create consideration”. This gives you flexibility.
What is so bad about having to take advantage of benefits if you are paying all of it? The fact is, certain employees would not be able to use a spouse’s insurance plan if they had to use yours. The spouse might offer better quality coverage with more options and better quality doctors.
Do you really want to have to pay for everyone’s insurance if they do not want insurance or prefer to waive coverage and go on their spouse’s plan? That means paying higher expenses for something that will likely never get used by certain people.
5. Not Listed as the Right Group Size (or Perhaps a Different Stated Size) Is
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