the increase (or decrease) in premiums might be if you increase (or decrease) the co-pay, deductibles, in-network deductibles, and co-insurance. Look at different options with the drug plan as well.
Sometimes it pays to self-insure a portion in order to reduce premiums. Look at the total exposure, have your broker figure out worst cases scenarios, and contemplate the probability that the scenario could come true. This dovetails with mistakes #4, #5, and #6 coming up.
4. Not Looking at the Big Picture of Total Costs
Very often, companies only look at the monthly premiums associated with their healthcare coverage. This is not the only variable when it comes to insurance rates. It is important to look at the total picture which includes:
a. Co-pay amounts
b. In-Network and Out-of-Network Deductibles
c. In-Network and Out-of-Network Co-Insurance Levels
d. In-Network and Out-of-Network out-of-pocket expenses
e. Out-Of-Network Reasonable and customary reimbursement levels
f. Gated or Non-Gated
g. Drug coverage co-pays, co-insurance and deductibles
h. Disease Management and Wellness Programs
i. Employer/Employee Contributions
j. Network Accessibility
k. Disruption Analysis
l. Monthly Premiums
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