Given that you have a wide variety of plans to select from, don’t just get what your neighbor, co-worker, or best friend got. Each person has different needs and your insurance should be capable of meeting those needs when the time comes. Ideally, you should base your choice on these criteria:
the quality of the medical care you will receive
the coverage of your plan
how much your premiums will cost
Consider all these factors and weigh the cost with the benefits. Don’t shortchange yourself by getting affordable help insurance but with mediocre coverage – when the worst happens, you’ll be the one left holding the bag.
Look for alternatives
Having a hard time getting insured? Getting adequate health insurance in Colorado depends in some way on your current health, family, and employment status. If you find that you have been denied or can’t afford health insurance, don’t despair. There are several programs you can turn to.
Medicaid – You may qualify for this if you already have a pre-existing disability and are in a low income bracket. Find out if you are eligible for Medicaid by contacting the Colorado Medicaid Program at 1.800.221.3943 or 1.800.659.2656.
Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) — Colorado provides plans for children from low income families through the CHP+. There are several rules pertaining to income brackets and family sizes, so go to
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