commercial interests interact with the public generally as a matter of routine. In essence, it’s why you’re in business. You offer some kind of product or service to the public. With that exchange comes an expectation of responsible conduct on behalf of the business owner and their operations. Any deviation from what might be considered responsible conduct can make you liable for that conduct. Even responsible conduct can make you liable as well.
What can result from this conduct is the lawsuit. And it’s not just conduct that’s a matter of routine for your business. You can devise all sorts of strategies to protect yourself from the possibility that nothing can go wrong with the business and service you provide for people. However, you’re human. You can make mistakes. It’s also the case that you can be sued for even the most trivial conduct you never could have imagined could get you sued. And, yes, you have to pay for expenses derived from even a frivolous lawsuit — unless you’re properly insured, of course.
While liability insurance in general is an important component of most modern day policies covering business, the most basic is commercial liability insurance, which covers specific areas related to commercial entities. Most commercial ventures carry this type of insurance as opposed to say, professional liability insurance, which might warrant additional costs or a separate package and is usually appropriate for those who provide
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