The Different Kinds of Insurance Available in South Africa

his/her specific needs

Construction Insurance

Construction insurance provides cover for the loss of or damage to property during the course of construction.

Credit insurance

Credit insurance will pay all or part of a loan should the policy owner become unemployed, disabled or dies.

Employee Theft insurance

Startling statistics have revealed that as many as 70% of all businesses in South Africa will be affected by employee theft at some stage or another. It is therefore an imperative for all business owners to adequately protect themselves and their property from this unacceptable abuse by employees. This insurance cover compensates the business owner for the loss of money or property caused by theft by an employee. In some cases, any other act of fraud or dishonesty by an employee, is also covered.

Fire insurance

Fire insurance covers the loss of or damage to a building and/or its contents due to fire.

Liability Insurance

Liability insurance is specifically designed to offer precise protection against claims by a third party. Payment is not usually made to the insured but to the person or party who has suffered the loss or damages.

Marine insurance

Marine insurance covers the loss of or damage to ships at sea and their cargo as well as terminals and any other transport or property used to

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