The Basics Of Home Insurance

home insurance company can offer:


1.         Coverage A- Dwelling

2.         Coverage B- Other Structures on Your Property

3.         Coverage C- Personal Property/Contents

4.         Coverage D- Loss of Use

5.         Coverage E- Additional Coverages

6.         Coverage F- Exclusions


Dwelling – covers the value of the home itself, insures against the damage and loss of your house as the result of such cataclysms as hurricanes, hail, lightening or fire. Additional policies are needed in the case of a flood or an earthquake.


Other Structures – protects other structures around the property which are not used for business like detached garages and other detached buildings on your property.


Personal Property – includes personal property which may include furniture, clothes, equipment, etc. in the case it is stolen or destroyed.


Loss of Use – provides for your living expenses in the case that you can no longer live in your house. This coverage usually covers hotel and restaurant bills and other expenses that can occur while you are temporary not living in your house.


Additional Coverages – includes such expenses as reasonable repairs, damage to trees and bushes for certain named dangers, removal of property, credit card / identity card theft, landlord’s furnishing, and several types of

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