dream all of a sudden got damaged by vandalism, fire, lightning, explosion, riot, windstorm, flood or volcanic eruption! Or maybe all your most expensive and precious belongings got stolen by some graceless thief! Or Lord Forbid a civil war broke out on the territory of your city and your house got ruined in the course of indiscriminate bombing! Of course you think that such things won’t happen with you, and definitely won’t happen with you in the nearest future. But what if luck turns its back on you? Thousands of houses without home insurance get damaged or ruined every day. Do you want to be one of those poor house owners, who no longer have a place to live? I think no, so it’s high time we spoke about the basics of house insurance.
Home insurance that can be also named hazard insurance or homeowners insurance (HOI), is the type of property insurance that covers private houses. It is a policy that unites different personal insurance protections, including damages to one’s home, its contents or loss of its use, and also liability insurance for unforeseen accidents. The insurance policy is a long document that states what will and what will not be paid in case of different circumstances. House insurance coverage can be divided into several categories. For each policy, there are usually six types of coverage. For example you are shopping for a standard home insurance in Santa Cruz CA. You should know about six different classifications of coverage your
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