Your Deductible The deductible is the amount you pay before insurance kicks in if you have a claim. For example, if you have a 0 deductible and you file a claim for ,000 in damage to your home, you pay the first 0 and your insurer pays the balance, 0.
The higher the deductible you choose, the more you pay out of your pocket.
However, the higher the deductible, the less you have to pay for your policy.
Depending on the insurance company, you can save between 12% and 37% if you change a deductible of 0 to ,000.
Newer Homes Are Rated Better Insurance companies really like newer homes.
Recently built homes equals lower premium because there is less likelyhood something will go wrong with the electrical, heating and plumbing systems.
In addition, the structure itself is in better shape.
Insurers offer discounts of as much as 8% to 15% if your residence is new.
Insure the replacement cost of the house itself not the land. There have been times when mortgage companies want us to increase the amount of insurance to be equal to the mortgage on the property.
You want to insure the rebuilding cost of the house and without including the value of the land in the in the total replacement cost.
Don’t insure more than you own. If you have made a major purchase, you will want to increase your limits of coverage, but what if you sell something? You don’t need as much coverage.
Pay particular attention to
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