money to make repairs to houses today than it used to.
Big changes are happening in the insurance market.
Deductibles Can Save You BIG Money!
Back in the days when I first started in the business, homes were insured for ,000 and the policies had a deductible. In the late 1970 the value of homes headed towards ,000 and the deductibles went to 0. By the end of the 1980’s a 0 deductible was standard on almost all policies written for homes valued over 0,000. Today, with the values of many homes costing more than 5,000 many of our clients are using 0 to ,000 deductibles to keep the cost of their insurance down.
If insurance companies want to reduce your premium for not turning in claims, you might as well save even more money by increasing your deductible. While you wont save enough to make up the deductible in one year, you will be surprised how much you do save over a few years.
How Much Homeowners Coverage Should I Have?
So how much insurance should you have? Basically, unless you want to pay some of the costs yourself, you should insure your home for what it would cost to rebuild it if your residence were destroyed.
How do you find this out? In the home construction world, building costs are calculated on a square foot basis. We can calculate the estimated replacement cost for your home. Give us a call and we will be glad to update our records and send you a copy for your
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