in Spain as a way out of responsibility and in extreme cases it has actually resulted in builders skimping on crucial details such as foundations because -‘it’s insured so we’ll cut corners’, it’s therefore important to understand that whilst a good insurance policy may protect owners it does not automatically mean that a new property is better built than one that is 30 years old. Whilst the terms of most policies will require an increased level of control (e.g. most policies require that a site substrate test is carried out – ‘estudio geotecnico’ and that works are overseen by an ‘Organismo de control tecnico’ – ‘OCT’), a general lack of control and a tendency for some Architects and ‘Tecnicos’ to turn a blind eye to the poor practices of builders that give them lots of work (and money), results in defective or sub standard elements slipping through.
First ten years: The builder (normally ‘Promotor’ but see below!) must take out seguro decenal insurance. This is the ten year policy covering the costs of repair in the event of a structural failure in the building. Remember it may well not cover other defects, so if you can’t find the builder or they simply won’t repair, the 10 year policy may not be of any help, other than for cases of structural failure.
What if there is no policy?
I have seen an increasing number of cases where no policy is in place. This occurs
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