Knowing How To Claim Your Car Insurance
Article by Edmund M.
In this time of economic crisis people always consider cheap rate in selecting for car insurance. This is always the first thing they search on the web when they try to compare thousands of car insurance companies available. The question is, is cheap rate the only thing to consider when you shop for car insurance? The answer is a big “NO”. It is always better when you know the policy of your car insurance, and how your car insurance works when you need to use it.
It is normal to be concerned on the amount that you will be paying since this will affect your financial budget, but do you know the steps in claiming your car insurance in times of accident or theft? Every year car insurance companies process thousands of claims from people whose cars are damaged due to an accident, or cars lost because of theft. Car insurance companies spend millions of dollars for these people.
Let’s face it. Claiming your car insurance will take time and can be stressful. Without your knowledge, there are actually steps on how to make your life easier when you claim for your car insurance. The first step is to notify your car insurance immediately after a car accident. You can use 24-hour hotline number to reach the right person for assistance. Second, if your claim is crime related such as theft, damage of vandalism, report the incident to the police. After you report the accident, get your incident number. Car insurance will ask for it when you file a claim. Third, write down all the incidents related to the accident. You will be needing the notes in making your written claim. Fourth, be honest in making your claim. Don’t change the version of the event. It should be accurate and consistent to avoid suspicion when the car insurance will review your claim. Fifth, get all the help information from your car insurance on the papers and requirements needed for your claim. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. It’s essential to have all the back up documents needed for your claim. Sixth, keep your insurance documents in a safe and accessible place. Don’t lose your documents. Also make sure to input your contact number so you can be reached in case your car insurance needs to contact you. Seventh, keep copies of communication regarding your claim. It can be a letter, e-mail, or telephone conversation. Always get the name of the person you spoke with. Eighth, before going ahead with the repair of your vehicle make an absolute verification of the status of claim. Make sure the car insurance cover the repair or you will be spending money out of your own pocket for it. Lastly, when you bring your car insurance for repair make sure the repair shop is accredited with your car insurance company. If you will take your car to a repair shop that has no connection with your car insurance company, there is a possibility that the cost of repair will not be covered.
Claiming your car insurance can be stressful and can’t be a pleasant experience. Following these steps can make the process smooth and easy as possible.
If you want to learn more about saving car insurance, you can directly visit the site at
About the Author
Edmund M. is an IT professional who run marketing sites likeCash Loan Instant Payday Loan Payday Loan Companies Cash Loan Companies Cash Advance Loan, Cash Advance Companies Insurance Broker Car Insurance Discount and Good Insurance.
Another Gumby announcement and the Motor Insurance sketch (season 2, episode 17: The Buzz Aldrin Show).
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