often. Just adding more zinc to your diet can help boost your immune system enough to prevent catching colds and flues.
4) Get plenty of exercise.
The better tone and condition your body is in the less likely you are to get sick or have weight related health issues. It is very important to get exercise to keep your body happy and healthy, and prevent your money from going to undesired medical treatments. Regular and consistent exercise can help prevent heart related health problems later on in life. It promotes a better circulatory system and stronger heart muscle. Exercise also promotes better oxygen intake, which helps the lungs become more efficient. Also increased oxygen aids in better metabolism and can keep weight in check and reduce other illnesses like asthma and diabetes.
5) Keeping healthy
Make sure you have time or make time for rest and relaxation. Keeping healthy also includes staying happy. Reduce your stress, get plenty of sleep each night, and have leisure time. It is important to enjoy life and do things that ease tension and promote happiness. Proper rest and fun can cut down the risk of developing mental issues such as depression or anxiety that can cost much money in treatment and control of the disorder. Having that balance in ones life can really promote great mental health and clarity. Being burnt out or stressed out is associated with many disorders such as depression, anxiety, ulcers and other stomach
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