Health Insurance FAQ


A examine more or less the robustness insurance reshuffle bill?
Does anyone know that if the health insurance reform bill pass whether or not you have to get your own insurance, even if you are on your spouse’s plan? If you could cite your source(s), that would be really polite. Thanks! As written now you will have coverage via…

A FINE for parents who can’t afford condition insurance for their kids?
Can someone please explain this to me? I caught the tail end of Obamas speech about it. How almost those single parents who are struggling? They get fined? explicitly wrong why should parents be fined i did not know they were,and if Obama say they should…

A fine of 00 for someone who doesnt own robustness insurance?… How come id bet that an illegal would not seize fined if they required medical services? Yea – first thing they should do is jump to the local homeless shelter and start handing out fines to all the indigent ancestors there who don’t bother with…

A former employer forgot to go against robustness insurance…?
My friend quit her job and the former employer forgot to cancel her condition insurance. She is still using it. I think she may have to recompense it back. She says it is their idiosyncrasy for not cancelling it and doesn’t think she will hold to reimburse them. Who

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