it doesn’t have the money it needs to pay claims.
This potentially lethal mix of high risk homes along with being under funded is one of the reasons that it’s always been a good idea to try to reduce the number of policies in Citizens Property Insurance. The smaller the number of policies that the company has, there is less chance that policyholders across Florida will have to pay large special assessments for many years after a major hurricane.
One of the ways that is done is by encouraging private home insurance companies to assume or “take out” policies currently covered by Citizens Property Insurance – hence the name “take out companies”. The take out process is also referred to as depopulation.
Attracting companies to assume or take policies out of Citizens Insurance Florida is good public policy.
Besides transferring more of Florida’s hurricane risk to the private sector, policyholders may also get better customer and claims service from a private sector company that doesn’t have anywhere near 1 million plus policyholders in Citizens. They also get an annual insurance premium that is usually less than what they were paying to Citizens. Finally, policyholders with private insurance companies are subject to smaller special assessments after major hurricanes.
Florida take out insurance companies get an immediate base of new insurance policyholders without the usual marketing and advertising expenses it takes to
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