Federal Health Insurance Reform Future Tasks

renewability, modified community rating and minimum benefit standards (“essential benefits” plan) effective. 
* Lifetime and annual dollar limits are prohibited for essential benefits.
* Pre-existing condition exclusions are prohibited.

Taxes & Fees:
* Addition of new taxes on health insurers

Medicaid and Medicare Reform:
* Medicaid expanded to cover low income individuals under age 65 up to 133% of the federal poverty level—about ,300 for a family of four.
* Minimum medical loss ratio of 85% required for Medicare Advantage plans


Taxes & Fees:
* Tax (“Cadillac tax”) imposed on employer sponsored health insurance plans that offer policies with generous levels of coverage.


Medicare Reform:
* Doughnut hole coverage gap in Medicare prescription benefit is fully phased out. Seniors continue to pay the standard 25% of their drug costs until they reach the threshold for Medicare catastrophic coverage.

Author  Resource: Easy To Insure ME http://www.easytoinsureme.com/

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