Business Insurance – Today’s Business Lifeboat

Damage due to civil disobedience and terrorist activity

Business specific items

Buying Insurance

The choice of buying insurance is becoming a tiresome activity with so many options and prices (and insurance terms), that finding and using a good broker may be your best bet

The insurance broker has some advantages over using one company exclusively.

The broker can shop around, negotiate directly with underwriters (which you cannot do), and tailor make some policies for you.

The cost of using a broker may be easily absorbed by the lower cost of the insurance he provides you and your business.

You must make very sure of the broker’s qualifications, and demand a list of companies and underwriters he deals with.

Ask for a client list, and his inclusion in professional insurance societies.

A search on the internet is also helpful. When you are satisfied, start using the broker to plan your business insurance risk profile and coverage plan.

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