Are You protected With California Business Insurance?

insurance can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to be.  The internet makes it easy to compare rates online, so consumers usually have in mind the price they want to pay and amount of coverage they want before a phone call is even made.

General liability insurance coverage is practically mandatory.  This protects the owner and his business from lawsuits brought by any third parties.  Small businesses are also often required to have worker’s compensation insurance in case an employee gets hurt while on the job.  This acts as a way to protect the owner from lawsuits brought by employees dealing with injuries, since the time off is compensated for.  California business insurance makes this an integral part of the insurance package, so small businesses should not be without it.

Commercial property insurance protects the business premises and the fixtures on it, as well as protecting the business owner in case of a tragic event such as a fire or explosion.  Casualty insurance protects the actual revenue of the company, so in case of theft or damage to property, this insurance has you covered.  One deals with assets, the other deals with money.  They are dependent on each other, since you can’t make money without a place to do business and without a

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