larger bill. The first lawyer, who must have now been reaching breaking point, chose to take his anger out on the landlords truck and blew out the window with a gun. This ended with a brief spell in jail and then probation, likewise with his previous tenants.
The landlord points out that now he has two lawyers bills (one still disputed), one lawyer on probation and his tenants also avoiding further jail-time by agreeing to be on their best behaviour. He reckons that his total bill is about ,000, which is more profit than he’ll make on his property in two years.
The morale of the tale is simple: good landlords insurance would help solve such problems. Although it can’t pretend to cope with every eventuality, it can be a great support and comfort when things start to unwind. And having good legal representation at the start when things can be usually stopped without escalating into further troubles, is vital. In that way, you might avoiding getting your lawyer taking pot-shots at your car, or tenants deciding to help themselves to the fixtures and fittings, and then finding it nearly impossible to get them back.
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