The Best Way to Save Money on Small Business Insurance
Most economists prefer talking about the big picture of a nation’s financial health. I see the tens of thousands of sole traders and small operations that tick over in local neighborhoods, satisfying community needs and keeping local economies alive. The good news? A recent survey shows local entrepreneurs live longer and have better lives than the people who work for others. Yes, there can be more stress when times are hard, but most have a better work-life balance, finding comfort and support in the family. So what is it that these local business owners are doing? Conventional wisdom says business is all about profit. Let’s not get sentimental about providing employment to local people, or keeping businesses alive to serve local needs. Let’s just look at the costs of paying those you employ, the utilities that supply you, the rent or mortgage on the premises you occupy, and so on. All of these feed into the ever-important bottom line. Because your customers have less disposable income, sales for goods and services have been falling. This puts a squeeze on and the only way to stay in profit is to cut costs. If we head down into a recession, cuts are not just an option. Survival forces them. Except there are compensations. Running a business gives you access to discounts and potential tax savings on all major goods and services. So owners can often subsidise their lifestyles within the current trading and tax systems. Even if you cannot get access to
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