How Reliable Are Free Health Insurance Quotes?

Many times, people have heard rumors about innocent consumers who were lured in by free health insurance quotes only to find out that the actual price that they would end up paying is a lot higher. To a point, it can make people who are looking for health insurance wary of free quotes. But, is the fear of getting ripped off really one that should be warranted? Believe it or not, the answer may surprise you.

Most plans which allow for a free health insurance quote are plans that are group plans for employees. In these cases, the sheer rule of numbers allows insurers to have a good idea of what to expect in terms of cost, which means that there is no reason for a medical exam prior to obtaining a quote. For group health insurance cases, the free health insurance quotes you receive are very accurate.

Some of the most common forms of health insurance to offer free quotes are policies that do not require a medical exam. Though these policies are often a little bit pricier than others, they more than make up for it in terms of convenience and ease of use. They also have the added benefit of removing the guesswork when it comes to figuring out your real premium – what you see is really what you will get.

Other free health insurance quotes may need to be adjusted for some of the lesser-asked questions. In these cases, the free quote that you receive is a preliminary quote that still needs to be sent to the underwriter for evaluation. In these cases, your actual premium will depend on the results of a medical exam, as well as the results that the underwriter receives from your medical history records.

It’s important to remember that free health insurance quotes can vary in reliability from carrier to carrier, and from policy to policy. However, you cannot legally be forced to pay a premium that you did not agree to, so if you find out that the actual quote that you receive is way off of what you were expecting to pay, take a deep breath and relax. You don’t have to worry about the rising prices of insurance. Chances are that there will be another insurer that will be more than happy to offer you similar coverage at a lower price.

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